Tagged: Brandy Fedoruk

Upcoming: Monthly letter-writing event at Regional Assembly of Text


For the first-time user, the clunky typewriters may take some getting use to, especially with the two-finger typing.

Clickety clack. Clickety clack.

The tempo of keys slamming into fresh ink ribbons rarely falters in this little stationery store as The Regional Assembly of Text hosts itsĀ  monthly letter-writing event.

Since 2005, the owners, Brandy Fedoruk and Rebecca Ann Dolen, have been running this event on the first Thursday of every month.

A line of typewriters greets people as they enter the store. Each machine inspires a deluge of words and pulls out the inner genius writer. Some people write letters to oversea penpals or create zines with silly poetry.

Reviews by Yelp members said this place encourages them to write a letter.


Letter-writing can be a social activity with a lot of shining smiles and light conversation.

Event details

Where: The Regional Assembly of Text, 3934 Main Street (near King Edward and Main Street)

When: Thursday, March 7, 2013 (or the first Thursday of every month)

Cost: free (materials provided)

Regional Assembly of Text opened a second location in Victoria, B.C. this month. There is no indication on their website whether the new location will host a monthly letter-writing event.

If you can’t make it to this event at the Vancouver location this month, you can come by next month. Or if you’re simply craving the sound of a typewriter going, you can bring it home to you with the Noisy Typer.